
I love all of my readers and I want to thank you so much for reading Modern Charm! If you would like to reach me directly, feel free to contact me at I really appreciate any thoughts or suggestions that you may provide, and I'd love to help you with anything you would like. When contacting me, please use one of the below subjects, so that I matter better help you.

Product Submission
Different than photo submissions, product submissions relate to your wedding product that you would like to be reviewed and featured on Modern Charm. When asking me to review your product, please include a URL and a brief overview of your product. If I am interested, I will contact you shortly!

Etsy Request
If you are an Etsy shop owner that specializes in weddings and would like to be interviewed and featured in Modern Charm, feel free to contact me. Be sure to include your shop URL and a brief summary of your shop and products, and I will look into your request. 

Wedding Request
If you would like me to post an inspiration board or feature about something specific, and you have not seen it here, feel free to let me know! I am always looking for new ideas and will love to look into your request.

Currently, Modern Charm does not have any sponsors. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, please contact me to begin discussing sponsorship opportunities.

If you are a fellow wedding blogger and you are looking to partner with me, please email me. Be sure to include your blog's name, blog's URL and your button's URL (if you have one), and I will look into it.  

General Comments
If you have a general comment you would like to leave me- such as a suggestion or other feedback- let me know. I am always working to improve Modern Charm, and I am very welcome to feedback of any kind.